Ovid Illustrated: The Renaissance
Reception of Ovid in Image and Text

Bernard Salomon's Cycle for Ovid -- Both Lyonnais Versions
To ease cross-referencing as well as distinguishing between Solis' illustrations and these closely linked Lyon precursors, I have here used the Solis-page captions for left-column entries alongside somewhat simplified pre-Solis captions for the parallel entries on the right.
Métamorphose Figurée (1557 [repr. 1583]; Dutch ed. [Excellente Figueren (pdf)] 1557)
Title-page   Dedication
Book I
Distribution of the Elements   Living Creatures Allotted Their Places   The Golden Age   The Silver Age   The Bronze and Iron Ages   War of the Giants   Council of the Gods   Lycaon into a Wolf   The Flood   Flood's End   Restoration of the Human Race   Python's End   Daphne is Beloved by Phoebus   Daphne into a Laurel   Jupiter and Io   Io into a Cow   Argus and Mercury   Syrinx into a Reed   Argus Killed, Io Restored
Book II
Phaethon's Request   Phaethon Kindles the World Top to Bottom   Phaethon's Fall   Heliades into Trees   Apollo Denies the World Light   Jupiter Grabs Callisto   Callisto Is Turned into a Bear   Callisto and Arcas Made Stars   Erichthonius Is Shut in a Chest   Coronis Is Turned to a Crow   Coronis Is Transfixed by Apollo   Chiron's Daughter Ocyrrhoe into a Mare   Battus into a Stone   Mercury Falls in Love with Herse   Description of Malice and Envy   Aglauros into a Stone   Jupiter into a Bull
Book III
A Snake Kills Cadmus' Comrades   The Serpent Is Killed by Cadmus   Soldiers Spring from the Serpent's Teeth   Actaeon into a Stag   Actaeon Is Torn Apart by his own Hounds   Semele Is Killed in Jove's Embrace   Narcissus into a Flower   Bacchus' Rites or Triumph   Tyrrhenian Sailors into Dolphins   Pentheus Is Torn Apart by Bacchantes

Book IV
Pyramus and Thisbe   Pyramus and Thisbe's Death   Venus' Adultery with Mars   Leucothoe into an Incense Branch   Salmacis and Hermaphroditus Become One   Juno and the Three Furies   Athamas and Ino Are Driven Insane   Mad Athamas Kills His Son Learchus   Cadmus and Hermione into Dragons   Atlas Is Turned into the Mountain of the Same Name   Perseus Freeing Andromeda   Medusa's Hair into Snakes
Book V
A Fight Breaks Out at Perseus' Wedding   Phineus and Friends into Stone   Pallas and the Sisters at Helicon   The Muses into Birds   Venus, Cupid, and Pluto   Pluto Bears Off Proserpina   Ceres Seeks Her Daughter   Arethusa into a Fountain   Lyncus into a Lynx

Book VI
Niobe Is Slain with Her Children   Lycian Rustics into Frogs   Marsyas Is Flayed by Apollo   Tereus, Procne, Three Furies   Tereus Abducts Philomela   Tereus Cuts Out Philomela's Tongue   Procne Freeing Philomela from Captivity   Procne Kills Her Own Offspring   Orithyia Is Raped by Boreas
Book VII
  Jason and Medea   Jason Puts the Dragon to Sleep   Medea Calls on the Gods' Aid   Old Aeson Is Rejuvenated   Pelias with His Daughters   Hiere's Son Cygnus into a Swan   Medea Kills Her Own Children   Hercules and Cerberus   Minos, Cephalus, and Aeacus   The Plague in Aegina   Ants into Men   Cephalus and Aurora   Cephalus and Procris   Procris' Death
  Scylla and Minos   Scylla Cuts Off Her Father's Lock   Scylla into a Bird   Theseus Defeats the Minotaur   Daedalus and Icarus   The Boy Perdix into a Bird   Hunting Meleager Kills a Boar   Meleager and Atalanta   Meleager's Death   Perimele into an Island   Jupiter and Mercury as Guests   Philemon and Baucis to Trees   Erysichthon Cuts Down the Oak   Description of Hunger   Erysichthon Is Tortured with Insatiable Hunger   Metra into Many Different Figures
Book IX
  Hercules and Achelous   Centaur Nessus Shot with an Arrow   Lychas Hurled into the Waves   Apotheosis of Hercules   Alcmene Bears Hercules   Dryope into a Tree   Biblis' Love for Her Brother   Biblis into a Fountain   Lyctus and Telethusa His Wife    The Girl Iphis into a Man
Book X
;Eurydice Dies from a Snakebite   Orpheus Descends to the Underworld   Orpheus Playing the Lyre   The Boy Cyparissus into a Tree   Ganymede Carried Off into Heaven   Hyacinthus into a Flower   Cerastae into Bulls   Ivory Statue into a Person   Myrrha Tries to Hang Herself   Myrrha Goes to Bed with Her Father   Myrrha into a Tree   Venus and Adonis   Atalanta and Hippomenes   Hippomenes and Atalanta into Lions   Adonis into Anemone Flower
Book XI
Orpheus is Slain by Female Bacchantes   The Hebrus Receives Orpheus' Head and Lyre   Midas' Wish   Midas' Ears into Ass's   Neptune and Apollo   Peleus and Thetis   Chione Slain by the Arrows of Diana   A Wolf into Stone   Ceyx Dies in a Shipwreck   Halcyone Supplicates Juno   Description of the House of Sleep   Ceyx and His Wife into Halcyons   Aesacus into a Diver-Bird
Book XII
The Sacrifice of Iphigeneia   The War of Greeks and Trojans   Cygnus Smothered by Achilles   The Girl Caenis into a Man   The Battle of the Lapiths and Centaurs
Ajax's Quarrel with Ulysses   The Shield of Achilles   Ajax Kills Himself   The Fall of Troy   Polymestor's Wickedness   Polyxena Is Sacrificed   Hecuba Finds Polydorus Murdered   Polymestor Is Blinded   Embers of Memnon's Pyre into Birds   Aeneas' Piety toward His Father   Polyphemus, Acis and Galatea   Acis into a River   Fisherman Glaucus into a Sea-God
Book XIV
  Scylla into a Sea-Monster   Polyphemus Devours Ulysses' Comrades   Ulysses' Crew into Swine   Picus into a Bird   Apulus into a Wild-Olive   The Fleet of Aeneas into Nymphs   Aeneas into a National Deity   Vertumnus into an Old Woman   Iphis Hangs Himself   Romulus Is Given Immortality   Hersilia into the Goddess Ora

Book XV
  Hippolytus Torn Apart by his Horses   Cippus Sporting Horns   Aesculapius Entered among Deities   Aesculapius into a Serpent   Julius Caesar into a Star
Simeoni, Vita et Metamorfoseo d'Ovidio (1559 [repr. 1584]; anon. English trans. 1689 [Harvard Houghton MS. Eng. 1087])
Title-page   Dedication  Life of Ovid
Book I
[1.0] Chaos   Creation and Confusion of the World   Creation of Man and the Other Animals   The Golden Age   The Silver Age   The Bronze and Iron Ages   The Giants' War against Jove   Council of the Gods   Lycaon into a Wolf   The Flood   Flood's End   Restoration of the Human Race   Serpent Defeated by Phoebus   Love of Phoebus and Daphne   Daphne into a Laurel   Jove in Love with Io   Io into a Cow    Mercury Puts Argus to Sleep   Syrinx into a Reed   Argus Killed by Mercury
Book II
Phaethon's Request   Phaethon Drives the Chariot of the Sun   Phaethon Is Blasted by Jove   Heliades into Trees that Yield Amber   [2/4a] Cygnus into a Swan   Disgruntled Apollo Refuses to Drive   Callisto Inveigled by Jove   Callisto Is Turned into a Bear   Callisto and Arcas Made Stars   Basket Boy With Dragon's Feet   Coronis Is Turned to a Crow   [2/10a] Nyctemene into an Owl   Coronis Is Killed by Apollo   Chiron's Daughter Ocyrrhoe into a Mare   Battus into a Stone   Mercury Falls in Love with Herse   Minerva Visits Envy   Aglauros into a Stone   Jupiter into a Bull
Book III
A Snake Kills Cadmus' Comrades   The Serpent Is Killed by Cadmus   Soldiers Spring from the Serpent's Teeth   Actaeon into a Stag   Actaeon Is Torn Apart by his own Hounds   Semele Mates with the Thunderer and Bears Bacchus   [3/6c] Tiresias Man and Woman Blinded by Juno, Made a Seer by Jove   Self-Enamored Narcissus into a Flower   Bacchus' Rites or Triumph   Sailors Turned into Dolphins by Bacchus   Pentheus Is Torn Apart by Bacchantes
Book IV
Frightened Thisbe Flees, Hides from a Lion   Pyramus and Thisbe's Death   Venus' Adultery with Mars   Leucothoe Ravished by Phoebus, Clytie into a Flower     Salmacis Nymph Turned Hermaphrodite [4/5a] Minyeides into Bats   Juno Sends a Fury to Punish Athamas' Pride   Mad Athamas Kills His Son   Mad Athamas Drives Away His Wife and Kills a Son   Cadmus and Hermione into Dragons   Atlas Is Turned into the Mountain of the Same Name   Perseus Freeing Andromeda   Perseus, Medusa, and Pegasus
Book V
A Fight Breaks Out at Perseus' Wedding   Phineus and Friends into Stone   [5/2a] Polydectes into Stone   Pallas and the Sisters at Helicon   The Muses into Birds   [5/4a] The Pierides into Magpies   Venus, Cupid, and Pluto   Pluto Bears Off Proserpina   A Lad Turned to Vermin (Tarantola)   [5/7a] Ascalaphus into an Owl   [5/7b] Proserpina's Maids into Sirens   Arethusa into a Fountain   Lyncus into a Lynx
Book VI
[6/0] Arachne into a Spider   Niobe Is Slain with Her Children   Lycian Rustics into Frogs   Marsyas Is Flayed by Apollo   Tereus Rapes His Kindred Philomela   Procne, Philomela, and Tereus Driven Insane   Orithyia Is Raped by Boreas

Book VII
Jason and Medea   Jason Puts the Dragon to Sleep   Spells and Schemes of Medea   Old Aeson Is Rejuvenated   Pelias with His Daughters   Hiere's Son Cygnus into a Swan   Medea Avenges Jason's Ingratitude   Hercules and Cerberus   Aeacus Promises to Aid Cephalus   The Plague in Aegina   Ants into Men   Aurora in Love with Cephalus   Cephalus Jealous of his Wife Procris   Cephalus Kills His Wife Inadvertently
Scylla in Love with Minos   Scylla Cuts Off Her Father's Lock   Nisus and Scylla into Birds   Theseus Defeats the Minotaur and Cheats Ariadne   Daedalus and Icarus   Talus into a Partridge   Hunting Meleager Kills a Boar   Meleager and Atalanta   Meleager's Death   [8/9a] Naiades into Islands   Perimele into an Island   Jove, Philemon and Baucis   Erysichthon's Pride   Ceres Sends a Nymph to the House of Famine   Erysichtho Is Tortured with Insatiable Hunger   Erysichthon Peddles his Daughter for Food, and at Last Eats Himself

Book IX
Hercules and Achelous   Centaur Nessus Shot with an Arrow   Hercules Wears Nessus' Shirt, which Consumes Him   Apotheosis of Hercules   Juno Hinders Alcmena's Delivery   Dryope into a Tree   Biblis into a Fountain   Lyctus and Telethusa His Wife    Lyctus' Daughter into a Man

Book X
Orpheus Regains and Loses Eurydice His Wife   Orpheus' Mastery in Song and Lament   The Boy Cyparissus into a Tree   Ganymede Carried Off into Heaven   Hyacinthus into a Flower   Cerastae into Cows   Ivory Statue into a Person   Myrrha Tries to Hang Herself   Myrrha Goes to Bed with Her Father   Myrrha into a Tree   Venus and Adonis   Atalanta and Hippomenes   Hippomenes and Atalanta into Lions   Adonis into Anemone Flower
Book XI
Orpheus Is Slain by Bacchantes   Orpheus' Head and Lyre Sing Laments, and the Snake Turns to Stone   Midas' Greed   Midas' Ears into Ass's   Troy Flooded for Laomedon's Ingratitude   Peleus and Thetis   Mercury, Chione, Apollo, and Diana   A Wolf into Stone   Ceyx Dies in a Shipwreck   Halcyone Supplicates Juno   Description of the House of Sleep   Morpheus as Ceyx Appears in a Dream to Alcyone   Aesacus into a Diver-Bird

Book XII
The Sacrifice of Iphigeneia   The War of Greeks and Trojans   Cygnus into a Swan   The Girl Caenis into a Man   The Battle of the Lapiths and Centaurs
Ajax's Quarrel with Ulysses   The Shield of Achilles   Ajax Kills Himself   Hecuba a Greek Captive   Polymestor Kills Polydorus   Polyxena Is Sacrificed   Hecuba Finds Polydorus Murdered   Polymestor Is Blinded   Embers of Memnon's Pyre into Birds   Aeneas' Piety toward His Father   [13/10b] Aniades into Doves   Polyphemus, Acis and Galatea   Acis into a River   Glaucus in Love with Scylla

Book XIV
  Scylla into a Sea-Monster   [14/1a] Cercopes into Apes   [14/1c] The Sybil Apollo's Beloved Desires Immortality   Achemenides on Polyphemus' Cruelty   Ulysses' Crew into Swine   Picus into a Bird   [14/4a] Canens into Air   [14/4b] Diomedes' Companions into Seahawks   Apulus into a Wild-Olive   The Fleet of Aeneas into Nymphs   Aeneas into a National Deity   Pomona and Vertumnus   Anaxarete into Stone   Romulus Is Given Immortality   Romulus' Wife Hersilia Is Deified
Book XV
  Hippolytus Dead and Revived   Cippus Refuses the Rule of Rome   The Appearance and Temple of Aesculapius   Aesculapius into a Serpent   Julius Caesar into a Comet // Ovidian Captions   Index of the Fables  The Fountain of Roiao   Simeoni's Defense

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