Omnia Vincit Amor Ovid Illustrated: The Renaissance Reception
of Ovid in Image and Text

George Sandys, Ovid's Metamorphosis (1632)

An Online Edition
Daniel Kinney, Director
Special Thanks to Alison Caviness, Zack Long, Keicy Tolbert, and the Many Resident Experts of U.Va.'s E-Text Staff

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The Fourteenth Booke.

Inchanted Scylla, hemb'd with horrid shapes,
Becomes a Rock; Cercopeans turn'd to Apes.
Sibylla weares t' a Voice. Vlysses men
Transformed to Swine, are re-transformd agen.
Picus a Bird: his Followers Beasts. Despaire
Resolues sad-singing Canens into Aire.
The Mates of Diomed vnreconcil'd
Idalia turnes to Fowle. An Oliue wild
Rude Apulus deciphers. Turnus burnes
Aeneas ships: these Berecynthia turnes
To Sea-nymphs; who Alcinöus ship with ioy
Behold a Rock. The Troian flames destroy
Besieged Ardea; from whose ashes springs
A meager Herne, that beares them on her wings.
Aeneas, Deifi'd. Vertumnus tries
All shapes. Rhamnusia, for her cruelties,
Congeales proud Anaxarete to Stone.
Cold Fountaines boyle with heat. T' a heauenly throne
Mars Romulus assumes. Hersilia
Like grace receaues: who ioyne in equall sway.

Now Glaucus, thron'd in tumid floods, had past   SCYLLA  
High Aetna, on the iawes of Typhon1 cast;
Cyclopian fields,2 where neuer Oxen drew
The furrowing plough, nor euer tillage knew;
Crookt Zancle;3 Rhegium4 on the other side;
The wrackfull Straights, whose double bounds diuide
Sicilia from Ausonia:5 forward driues
Through spatious Tyrrhen Seas; at length arriues
At hearbie Hills, Phoebean6 Circes7 seat,
With sundry formes of monstrous beasts repleat.
When, mutually saluting, Glaucus said:
    A God, ô Goddesse,8 pittie: on your aid
Alone relies (if my desert might moue
So deare a grace) th' asswagement of my Loue.
For none then I, Titania,9 better knowes
The powre of hearbs, that was transformed by those.
T' informe you better, in Italia
Against Massena, on a sandie Bay,
I Scylla saw: it shames me to recite
My slighted court-ship, answered by her flight.
Doe thou, if charmes auaile, in charmes vntie
Thy sacred tongue: or soueraigne Hearbs apply,
If of more power. Yet I affect no cure,
Nor end of Loue: like heat let her indure.
    But Circe (none to such desires more prone,
Or that the cause is in her selfe alone;
Or stung by Venus angrie influence,
In that her Father10 publisht her offence)
Replyd: The willing with more ease persue;
Who wish the same, whom equall flames subdue.
For Thou ô well deseru'st to be persude:
Giue hope, and, credit me, thou shalt be woo'd.
Rest therefore of thy beauty confident:
Loe, I, a Goddesse, radiant Sols descent:11
In hearbs so potent, and no lesse in charmes;
Proffer my selfe, and pleasures to thy armes.
Scorne her that scornes thee; her, that seekes, persue:
And so at once be thou reueng'd of two.12
    Glaucus reply'd to her who sought him so:
First shadie groues shall on the billowes grow,
And Sea-weeds to the mountaine tops remoue;
Ere I (and Scylla liuing) change my loue.
The Goddesse frets: who since shee neither could
Destroy a Deitie, nor, louing, would;
On her, preferd before her, bends her ire:
And high-incensed with repulst desire,
Forth-with infectious drugs of dire effects
Together grinds; and Hecat's13 charmes iniects:
A sea-greene robe puts on, the Court forsakes:
Through throngs of fawning beasts: her iourney takes
To Rhegium opposite to Zancle's shore;
And treads the troubled waues that lowdly rore.
Running with vnwet feet on that Profound;
As if sh' had trod vpon the solid ground.
A little Bay,14 by Scylla haunted, lies
Bent like a Bow; sconst from the Seas and skies
Distemper, when the high-pitcht Sun inuades
The world with hottest beames, and shortest shades.
This with portentuous poysons she pollutes;
Besprinkled with the iuyce of wicked roots:
In words darke and perplexed nine-times thrice
Inchantments mutters with her magick voice.
Now Scylla came; and, wading to the wast,
Beheld her hips with barking dogs imbrac't.
Starts backe: at first not thinking that they were
Part of her selfe; but rates them, and doth feare
Their threatning iawes: but those, from whom she flies,
She with her hales. Then looking for her thighes,
Her legs, and feet; in stead of them she found
The mouthes of Cerberus,15 inuiron'd round
With rau'ning Curres: the backs of saluage beasts
Support her groine; whereon her belly rests.
    Kind Glaucus wept; and Circes bed refus'd:
Who had so cruelly her Art abus'd.
But Scylla, still remaining, Circe hates;
Who for that cause destroy'd Vlysses mates.16
And had the Troian nauie17 drownd of late,
If not before transform'd by powerfull Fate
Into a Rocke: the stonie Prodigie
Yet eminent, from which the Sea-men flie.
    This, and Charybdis18 past with stretched oares;
The Troian fleet, now neare th' Ausonian19 shores,
Crosse windes, and violent, to Libya draue.
There, in her heart, and pallace,20 Dido gaue
Aeneas harbor: with impatience beares
Her husbands21 flight: forth-with a Pile she reares,
Pretending sacrifice; and then doth fall
Vpon his sword: deceiu'd, deceiuing all.
Flying from Carthage, Eryx22 he re-gaind;
There where his faithfull friend Acestes23 raignd.
His fathers24 funeralls re-solemniz'd,
He puts to Sea, with ships well-nigh surpriz'd
By Iris flames.25 Hippotades'26 Command,
The sulphur-fuming Iles,27 the rocky Strand28
Of Acheloian Sirens29 leauing, lost
His Pilot:30 to Inarime31 then crost,
To Prochyta,31 and Pithecusa,31 walld
With barren hills; so of her people calld.32
For Iupiter, detesting much the slie
And fraudulent Cercopeans periurie,33  CERCOPIANS  
Into deformed beasts transformd them then;
Although vnlike, appearing like to men:
Contracts their limmes, their noses from their browes
He flats, their faces with old wrinkles plowes;
And, couering them with yellow haire, affords
This dwelling; first depriuing them of words,
So much abus'd to periurie and wrongs:
Who iabber, and complaine with stammering tongues:
    Then on the right-hand left Parthenope,34
Misenus35 on the left, far-stretcht in Sea,
So named of his Trumpetor: thence, past
By slimie Marishes, and anchor cast
At Cuma; entring long-liu'd Sibyls36 Caues.
A passage through obscure Auernus37 craues
T' his Fathers Manes.38 Shee erects her eyes,
Long fixt on earth, and with the Deities39
Reception fild, in sacred rage repli'd.
Great things thou seekst, ô thou so magnifi'd
For mighty deeds: thy piety through flame,40
Thy arme through Armies consecrate thy name.
Yet feare not, Troian, thy desires enioy:
T' Elysian Fields, th' infernall Monarchie,
And Fathers shade, I will thy person guide:
No way to noble Vertue is denide.
    Then to a Golden bough directs his view,
Which in Auernian Iuno's41 Hort-yard grew:
And bade him pull it from the sacred tree.42
Aeneas her obeyes: and now doth see
The Spoyles of dreadfull Hell; his Grand-sires,43 lost
In death, and great Anchises aged Ghost.
There knowes the customes of the Latian44 State,
The toyle of future warre, and following fate.
Then, in retreat, his weary steps applyde:
And by discourse with his Cumaean45 Guide
His toyle beguiles; as in that horrid way,
Through gloomie twy-light, he remounts to Day.
    Whether, said he, thou bee'st a Deity,
Or of the Gods belou'd; for euer I
Will serue thee as a Goddess: and confesse
That by thy fauour I haue wonne access
Vnto th' abodes of Death; that by thee I
Escape from his infernall Monarchie.
And therefore will, when I to day returne,
A Temple build, and incense to thee burne.
    The Prophetesse on him reuerts her eye;
And sighing, said; I am no Deitie:
To mortalls offer no immortall Dues;
Least ignorance thy gratitude abuse.
Yet had beene free from deaths impetuous powre,
Had I to Phaebus, giuen my virgin flowre.
While hopefull; tempting me with gifts, he said,
Aske what thou wilt, my faire Cumaean Maid,
And take thy wish, I shew'd a heape of sand,
And wisht as many Birth-daies as my hand
Contained graines: forgot to adde the prime
Of youthfull yeares, which should haue crownd my time.
Who this had granted also, if my bed
He could haue won. His gifts despis'd, I led
A single life. Those happier times are gone;
And crasie age with trembling steps comes on.
Seauen Ages46 haue I liu'd; and liue I must
Till yeares haue equalled those graines of dust.
Three hundred Haruests consummate the summe;
Three hundred Vintages. The time will come,
When length of daies my body shall abate,
And little leaue in quantitie or weight.
None then will thinke that I belou'd had beene,
Or pleas'd a God. He,47 by whom all is seene,
(Such change shall I indure) or, will not knowe,
Or else deny, that he had lou'd me so.
No eye shall see me: yet a voice alone48
Fate will afford; by which I shall be knowne.
    Thus Sibel, as they clim'd that steepe ascent.
Pious Aeneas through this Stygian vent
At Cuma rose: and sacrificing, came
To shores since called of his Nurses name.49
Neritian Macareus,50 the friend
Of Ithacus51 did here his trauells end.
Who knowing Achaemenides, of late
On Aetna left, admires to see his mate
Long giuen for dead. What chance, or God, said he
O Achaemenides, hath set thee free?
How comes a Graecian souldier to be found
In Troian vessell? for what Country bound?
When Achaemenides: (not now forlorne,
Now like himselfe, his rags not pind with thorne)
May I fell Polyphem behold againe,
Whose iawes ore-flow with blood of strangers slaine;52
If I this home preferre not farre aboue
Vlysses ship; or lesse Aeneas loue
Then my owne father. Could I render more
Then all my All, the recompence were poore.
That now I speake, I breath, Heauen, Sun-shine see
(Can I vnmindfull or vngratefull be)
Is by his bounty: that the Cyclops fowle
And hungry maw had not deuour'd my soule:
That now I may be buried when I die;
Or at the least, not in his entrailes lie.
O what a heart had I! with feare bereft
Of soule and sense! when I behind was left,
And saw your flight! I had an Out-cry made,
But that afeard to haue my selfe betrayd:
Yours, almost had Vlysses ship destroyd.53
I saw him riue out of the mountaines side
A solid rocke, and dart it on the Maine:
I saw the furious Giant once againe,
When mightie stones with monstrous strength he flung:
Like quarries by a warlike engine slung.
Least ship should sinke with waues and stones I feare:
Not then remembring, that I was not there.
He, when your flight had rescu'd you from death,
O'r Aetna paces; sighing clouds of breath:
And groping in the woods, bereft of sight,54
Incounters iustling rocks: mad with despight
Extends his bloody armes to vnder waues,
The Greekes persues with curses; and thus raues.
    O would some God Vlysses would ingage,
Or some of his, to my insatiate rage!
I'd gnaw his heart, his liuing members rend,
Gulpe downe his blood till it againe ascend,
And crash his panting sinewes. O, how light
A losse, or none, were then my losse of sight!
    This spake, and more. My ioynts pale horror shooke,
To see his grim, and slaughter-smeared looke,
His bloody hands, his eyes deserted seat,
Vast limmes, and beard with humane gore concreat.
Death stood before mine eyes (my least dismay:)
Now thought my selfe surpriz'd; now, that I lay
Drownd in his paunch. That time presents my view,
When two of ours on dashing stones he threw:
Then on them like a shagged Lyon lies;
Their entrailes, flesh, yet mouing arteries,
White marrow, with crasht bones, at once deuoures.
I, sad, and bloodlesse stood: feare child my powres,
Seeing him eat, and cast the horrid food;
Raw lumps of flesh, wine mixt with clotted blood.
Euen such a fate my wretched thoughts propound.
Long lying hid, afraid of euery sound,
Abhorring death, yet coueting to die;
With mast, and hearbes repelling famine; I,
Forlorne, to death and torment left, at last
This ship espy'd: and wafting it, in hast
Ranne to the shore, nor safety vainely seeke:
A Troian vessell entertaind a Greeke.
Now, worthie friend, your owne aduentures tell;
And what, since first you put to sea, befell.
    He told how Aeolus raign'd in Thuscan Seas,
Storme-fettering Aeolus Hippotades,55
Who nobly gaue to their Dulichian Guide56
A winde, inclosed in an Oxes hide.
Nine dales they sailed with successefull gales;
Sought shores descry'd: the tenth had blancht their sailes
When greedy Sailers, thinking to haue found
A masse of enui'd gold, the wind vnbound.
This through rough seas the Nauie backward driues,
Which at th' Aeolian port againe arriues.
To Laestrigonian Lamus57 ancient towne58
From thence, said he, we came. That countries crowne
Antiphates then wore. Three thither sent,
Two of vs scarce by flight our death preuent:
The third the Laestrigonians59 teeth imbrude
With his hot gore. Antiphates persude
Our flights; incites his troopes; who tumbling downe
Huge stones and trees, our men and vessels drowne.
One scap't; which vs, and sad Vlysses bore.
Ioyntly our lost companions we deplore;
And grieuing reach that Sea-inuiron'd land,60
Which farre from hence you see: Still may it stand
Farre from my sight! beware thou Goddesse Sonne,61
Iust Troian Prince; (for now the warres are done,
With them for euer end our enmitie)
From Circes Mansion, ô Aeneas flie.
There anchoring; mindfull of the Cyclops strand,  VLISSES MATES  
And fell Antiphates, we feare to land.
But casting lots, the lot elected vs,
Faithfull Polites, sage Eurylochus,
Elpenor62 prone to wine, and eighteene more
To visit Circe on that vnknowne shore.
Approching, we before the Portall staid.
A thousand Lyons, Beares, and Wolues inuade
Our hearts with feare, which needed not for they
Insteed of teeth their flattering tailes display,
And fawning follow; till her hand-maids came
And led vs through that marble-couerd frame
Vnto their Mistris. On a throne of State,
She in a sumptuous inward chamber sate:
With gold her vnder garment richly shone;
And ouer it a purple mantle throwne.
Nereides,63 and Nymphs, nor carded wooll,
Nor following twine with busie fingers pull:
But weeds dispose in order; mingled flowres
Select in maunds, and hearbs of different powres,
At her direction: who the vertue knew
Of euery simple, of their compounds too;
And giues them their due weight. Saluted, shee
Salutes againe; her chearefull lookes as free,
As her full bountie to supplie our neede.
Who bids her readie damsels mixe with speede
The pulp of barly, hony, curds, strong wines;
And to this sweet receit hid iuyces ioynes.
Then gaue the cup with her owne sacred hand;
Which thirstily we drunk, while with her wand
The direfull Goddesse strokes our crownes. I shame
To tell; yet tell: I presently became
With bristles rough: thinking, as I was wont,
T' haue spoke, and shew'd my griefe in words, I grunt.
My lookes hung downe, my mouth extends t' a snout,
My stiffer neck with swelling brawnes sticks out;
And goe vpon those hands, wherewith of late
I tooke the cup. With those whom frightfull fate
Had thus vn-mand (so great a potencie
In potions lurks) included in a Stie.
Alone Eurylochus the shape of Swine
Auoides: alone refus'd the proffered wine.
Which had not hee reiected, with the rest
Himselfe had beene a bristle-bearing Beast.
Nor should Vlysses our mis-haps haue knowne:
Or forced Circe to restore his owne.
Peace-bearing Hermes64 gaue him a white flowre;
Call'd Moly by the Gods; of wonderous powre,
Sprung from a Sable root: inform'd withall
By heauenly counsell, enters Circe's Hall.
Proffering th' insidious Cup, her magick wand
About to raise, he thrusts her from her stand;
And with drawne sword the trembling Goddesse frights.
When vowed faith with her faire hand shee plights;
And grac't him with her nuptiall bed: who then
Demands in dowrie his transfigur'd men.
Sprinkled with better iuyce, her wand reuerst
Aboue our crownes, and charmes with charmes disperst;
The more shee singes, wee grow the more vpright,
Our bristles shed, our clouen feete vnite,
Shoulders and armes possesse their former grace.
With teares our weeping Generall65 we imbrace,
And hang about his neck: nor scarce a word
Breathes through our lips, but such as thanks afford.
From hence our Passe was for a yeare deferr'd;
In that long time much saw I, and much heard:
Of which, a Maid (one of the foure, prepar'd
For sacred seruice)66 closely this declar'd.
For while my Chiefe67 with Circe sports alone,
Shee shew'd a young-mans Image of white stone
Clos'd in a Shrine, with crownes imbellished;
Who bare a Wood-pecker vpon his head.
Demanding whose it was, why placed there,
Why hee that Bird vpon his summit bare?
I will, reply'd shee, ô Macareus, tell
In this my Mistris power: obserue mee well.  PICVS  
Saturnian Picus68 in Ausonia69 raign'd,
Who generous horses for the battle train'd.70
His forme, such as you see: whom had you known,
You would haue thought this feature were his own.
His mind as beautifull. Nor yet could hee
Foure Graecian wrastlings in th' Olympicks see.71
The Dryades,72 in Latian mountaines borne,
His looks attract: nor Nymphs of fountains scorne
To sue for pitie. Those whom Albula,73
Numicus,73 Anio,73 Almo short of way,
And headie Nar73 sustaine; the shadie Flood
Of Farfarus,73 the Scythian Cynthias74 woo'd-
Inuiron'd marishes, and neighbouring lakes.
Yet for one only Nymph75 the rest forsakes:
Whom whilome on Mount Palatine,76 the faire
Venilia to the two fac'd Ianus77 bare.
The Maid, now marriageable, honoured
Laurentian Picus78 with her nuptiall bed.
Her beautie admirable: yet more fam'd
For artfull song; and there of Canens nam'd.
Her voice the woods and rocks to passion moues;
Tames saluage beasts, the troubled Riuers smooths,
Detaines their hastie course, and, when she sings,
The birds neglect the labour of their wings.
While her sweet voice coelestiall musick yeelds,
Young Picus followes in Laurentian Fields
The saluage Bore, vpon a fierie Steed;
Arm'd with two darts: clad in a Tyrian79 weed
With gold close-buckl'd. Thither also came
The Daughter of the Sun;80 who left her name-
Retaining fields, and on those fruitfull hills
Her sacred lap with deawie Simples fills.
Seeing vnseene, his sight her sense amaz'd:
The gathered hearbs fell from her as she gaz'd:
Whose bones a marrow-melting flame inclos'd.
But when shee her distraction had compos'd;
About t' impart her wish, the following presse,
And swiftnesse of his horse, forbid accesse.
Thou shalt not so escape, said she, although
The winds should wing thee; if my selfe I know,
If hearbs retaine their powre, if charmes at least
My trust deceiue not. Then creates a Beast
Without a bodie, bid to runne before
The Kings pursuit; and made the ayrie Bore
To take a thicket, where no horse could force
His barr'd accesse. He leaues his foming horse
On foot to follow a deceitfull Shade,
With equall hopes: and through the forrest straid.
New Vowes she straight conceiueth, aid implores:
And Gods vnknowne81 with vnknowne charmes adores.
Wherewith inur'd t' eclipse the pale-fac't Moone:
And cloud her Fathers82 splendor at high Noone.
And now with pitchie fogs obscures the day,
From earth exhal'd. His Guard mistake their way
In that deceitfull Night, and from him straid.
When shee, the time and place befitting, said:
    By those faire eyes, which haue inthralled mine;
And by that all-alluring face of thine,
Which makes a Goddess sue; asswage the fire
By thee incenst; and take vnto thy Sire
The all-illuminating Sunne: nor proue
Hard-hearted to Titanian Circes83 loue.
    Her, and her prayers, despis'd; What ere thou art,
I am not thine, said hee: my captiue heart
An Other holds; and may shee hold it long.
Nor with a stranger will I euer wrong
Our nuptiall faith, so long as Nature giues
Life to my veines, and Ianus daughter liues.
Titania,84 tempting oft, as oft in vaine;
Thou shalt not scope my vengeance, nor againe
Returne to Canens. What the wrong'd can doe,
A wronged Louer, and a Woman too,
Thou shalt, said she, by sad experience proue?
For I a woman, wrong'd, and wrong'd in loue.
Twice turnes shee to the East, twice to the West;
Thrice toucht him with her wand, three charmes exprest.
He flyes; at his vnwonted speed admir'd;
Then saw the feathers which his skin attir'd:
Who forth-with seekes the woods; and angrie still,
Hard okes assailes, and wounds them with his bill.
His wings the purple of his cloake assume;
The gold that claspt his garment turnes to plume,
And now his neck with golden circle chaines:
Of Picus nothing but his name remaines.
    The Courtiers Picus call, and seeke him round  PICVS HIS SERVANTS  
About the fields, that was not to bee found.
Yet Circe find (for now the day grew faire,
The Sunne and Winds set free to clense the aire)
And charge her with true crimes: their King demand
With threatning lookes, and weapons in their hand.
Shee sprinkles them with iuyce of wicked might.
From Erebus85 and Chaos86 coniures Night,
With all her Gods; and Hecate87 intreates
With tedious mumblings. Woods forsake their seates,
Their leaues looke pale, Hearbs blush with drops of gore,
Earth grones, dogs howle, rockes horcely seeme to rore:
Vpon the tainted ground blacke Serpents slide;
And through the aire vnbodied Spirits glide.
Frighted with terrors, as they trembling stand,
Shee strokes their wondering faces with her wand:
Forth-with the shapes of saluage beasts inuest
Their former formes; not one his owne possest.
    Phoebus now entring the Tartessian88 Maine,  CANENS  
Sad Canens with her eyes and soule, in vaine
Expects her Spouse. Her seruants shee excites
To runne about the woods with blazing lightes.
Who not content to weepe, to teare her haire,
And beat her beasts (though these express her care)
In haste forsakes her roofe; and frantick, strayes
Through broad-spred fields. Six nights, as many dayes,
Without or sleepe, or sustenance, shee fled
O're hils and dales, the way which fortune led.
Now tir'd with griefe and trauell, Tyber89 last
Beheld the Nymph: on his coole banckes shee cast
Her feeble limmes: there weeps, and weeping sung
Her sorrowes with a softly warbling tongue.
Euen so the dying Swan with low-raisd breath,
Sings her owne exequies before her death.
At length her marrow melts with griefes despaire:
And by degrees shee vanisheth to Aire.
Yet still the place doth memorize her fame:
Which of the Nymph the Rurals Canens name.
    In that long yeere, much, and such deeds as these
I saw and heard. Vn-neru'd with slothfull ease,
Againe we put to Sea: by Circe told
Of our hard passage, and the manifold
Disasters to ensue, I grew afraid
(I must confesse) and here arriuing, staid.
    Macareus ends. Caieta90 Vrne-inclosd,91
This verse had on her marble tombe imposd.
Here, with due fires, my pious Nurse-child mee
Caieta burnt; from Graecian fires set free.
    They loose their cables from the grassie strand;
Auoiding Circes guilefull pallace, stand
For those tall groues, where Tyber, darke with shades,
In Tyrrhen Seas his sandie streames vnlades.
The throne of Faunus sonne,92 the Latian starre
Lauinia93 gaines; but not without a warre.
Warre with a furious Nation is commenst;
Sterne Turnus94 for his promist wife95 incenst:
While all Hetruria96 to Latium swarmes:
Hard victorie long sought with pensiue armes.
To get Recrutes from forraine States they trie.
Nor Troians, nor Rutulians want supplie.
Nor to Euanders towne97 Aeneas went
In vaine: though vainely Venulus was sent
To banisht Diomeds98 Citie,99 late immur'd:
Those fields Iapygian Daunus100 had assur'd
To him in dowre. When Venulus had donne
His embassie to Tydeus warlicke sonne:101
The Prince excusd his aide; as loth to draw
The subiects of his aged father in-law102
T' vnnecessarie warre: that none remaine
Of his to arme. Least you should thinke I faine;
Though repetition Sorrow renouates;
Yet, while I suffer, heare the worst of fates.
    After that Pergamus103 our prey became,  DIOMEDES SOVLDIERS  
And loftie Ilium fed the Graecian flame:
A Virgin,104 for a virgins rape,105 let fall
Her vengeance, to Oileus due, on all.
Scattered on faithlesse Seas with furious stormes,
We, wretched Graecians, suffer'd all the formes
Of horror: lightning, night, showres, wrath of skies,
Of Seas, and dire Capharean106 cruelties.
To abridge the storie of so sad a fate;
Now Priam would haue pittied our estate.
Yet Pallas snacht me from the swallowing Maine;
Then from my vngratefull Country chac't againe,107
For Venus, mindfull of her ancient wound,108
New woes inflicts. Much on the vast Profound,
Much suffering in terrestriall conflicts, I
Oft call'd them happie, whom the iniurie
Of publick tempests, and the harborlesse
Caphareus109 drownd: enuy'd in our distresse.
The worst indur'd; with seas and battles tyr'd,
My men an end of their long toyle desir'd.
But Acmon, full of fire, and fiercer made
By vsuall slaughters: What remaines (hee said)
O mates, which now our patience would eschue?
Though willing, what can Cytherea110 doe
More then sh' hath done? when worse mis-haps affright,
Then prayers auaile: but when mis-fortunes spight
Her worst inflicts, then feare is of no vse:
And height of ills, securitie produce.
Let Venus heare: although shee hate vs all,
(As all shee hates that serue our Generall111)
Yet let vs all despise her emptie hate;
Whose Powre bath made vs so vnfortunate.112
    Pleuronion Acmon113 angrie Venus stung:
Reuenge reuiuing with his lauish tongue.
Few like his words: the most seuerely chid
His tongues excesse. About to haue reply'd,
His speech, and path of speech, at once grew small,
His haire converts to plume; plumes couer all
His neck, back, bosom: larger feathers spring
From his rough arme, his arme was now a wing.
His feet diuide to toes, hard borne extends
From his chang'd face, and in a bill descends.
Rhetenor, Nycteus, Lycus, Abas, Ide,
Admire! and in their admiration try'd
Like destinie. Most of my Souldiers grew
Forth-with new Fowle; and round about vs flew.
If you inquire, what shape their owne vn-mans;
They are not, yet are like to siluer Swans.
These barren fields, with this poore remnant, I,
As sonne in law to Daunus, scarce inioy,
    Thus farre Oenides.114 Venulus forsakes
Tydides115 Kingdome: by Puteoli takes
His way, and through Mesapia: there suruaid
A Caue, inuiron'd with a syluan shade,
Distilling streames. By halfe-goate116 Pan possest:
Which erst the Wood-nymphs with their beauties blest.
They terrifi'd at first with sudden dread,
From home-bred Apulus, the shepheard, fled.  APVLVS  
Straight, taking heart, despised his persuit:
And danced with a measure-keeping foot.
He scoffs: their motion clowne-like imitates:
Nor onely raileth, but obscenely prates.
Nor ceaseth, till a tree inuests his throte;
A tree whose berries his behauiour note.
An oliue wild, which bitter fruit affords,
Becomes; dis-seasned with his bitter words.
    Th' Embassador117 returnes without the sought
Aetolian118 succors: the Retulians fought
Gainst foes and fortune; of that hope depriu'd:
Whole streames of blood from mutuall wounds deriu'd.
Loe, fire-brands to the Nauie Turnus beares:  TROIAN SHIPPS  
And what escaped drowning, burning feares.
Pitch, rozen, and like ready food for fire,
Now Vulcan119 feede: the hungrie flames aspire
Vp to the sailes along the loftie mast;
And catch the yards, with curling smoke imbrac't.
But when the Mother of the Gods120 beheld
Those blazing Pines,121 from top of Ida feld;
Lowd Shalmes and Cymballs vsherd her repaire:
Who, drawne by bridled Lyons122 through the aire,
Thus said: Thy wicked hands to small effect,
O Turnus, violate, what wee protect.
Nor shall the greedie fire a part of those
Tall Woods deuoure, which sheltred our repose.
With that she thunders, powring downs amaine
Thick storms of skipping haile, and clouds of raine.
Th' Astraean Sons123 in swift concursions ioyne;
Tossing the troubled aire, and Neptunes brine.
One shee imployes, whose speed the rest out-strips;
That brake the Cables of the Phrygian Ships,
And draue them vnder the high-swelling Flood.
The timber softens, flesh proceeds from wood,
The crooked Sterne to heads and faces growes,
The Oares to swimming legs, fine feet, and toes;
What were their holds, to slender sides are growne,
The lengthfull keele presenting the back-bone;
The yards to armes, to haire the tackling grew:
As formerly, so now, their colour blew.
And they, but lately of the floods afraid;
Now in the floods, with virgin pastime, plaid.
These Sea-nymphs, borne on mountains, celebrate
The Seas, forgetfull of their former state.
Yet weighing, what themselues so oft indur'd
On high-wrought waues, oft sinking ships secur'd;
Excepting such, as Graecians carrie: those
They hate, yet mindfull of the Troian woes.
Who saw Vlysses ships in surges queld
With pleased eyes; with pleased eyes beheld  ALCINOVS SHIP  
Alcinous124 ship, in swiftnesse next to none,
Vnmoueable; the wood transformd to stone.
    'Twas thought this wondrous prodigie would fright
The Rutuli, and make them cease from fight.
Both parts persist, both haue their Gods to friend;
And Valour no lesse potent: nor contend
Now for Lauinia, for Latinus crowne,
Nor dotall Kingdome; but for faire renowne:
Asham'd to lay their brused armes aside,
Till death or conquest had the quarrell tride.
Venus her sonne125 victorious sees at length.
Great Turnus fell; strong Ardea126 falls, of strength
While Turnus stood, deuour'd by barbarous flame,  ARDEA  
In dying cinders buried. From the same
A Fowle, vnknowne to former ages, springs;
And fannes the ashes with her houering wings.
Pale colour, leanenesse, shreeking sounds of woe,
The image of a captiue citie shoue.
Who also still the Cities name retaines:127
And with selfe-beating wings of Fate complaines.
    And now Aeneas vertues terminate  AENEAS  
The wrath of Gods, and Iunos ancient hate.128
An opulent foundation hauing laid
For yong Iülus,129 by his merit made
Now fit for Heauen: the Powre, who rules in Loue130
The Gods solicits; then, imbracing Ioue:
    O Father, neuer yet to me vnkind;
Now ô inlarge the bountie of thy mind.
A Deity, meane, so it a Deity be,
Aeneas giue; that art to him by me
A Grand-father: th' vn-amiable realmes
Suffice it once t' haue seene, and Stygian streames,131
    The Gods agree; nor Iuno's lookes dissent.
Who with a chearefull freenesse forward bent.
Then Ioue; He well deserues a Deity:
Thy sute, faire Daughter, to thy wish enioy.
Shee, ioyfull, thanks returnes: and through the aire,
Drawne by her yoked doues, lights on the bare
Laurentian shores; where smooth Numicius132 creepes
Through whispering reedes into the neighbour Deepes.
Who bids him from Aeneas wash away
All vnto death obnoxious, and conuay
It silently to Seas. The horned Flood
Obeyes; and what subsists by mortall food,
With water purg'd, and onely left behind
His better parts. His mother the refind
Annoints with sacred odors, and his lips
In Nectar, mingled with Ambrosia, dips;
So deifi'd: whom Indiges133 Rome calls;
Honour'd with altars, shrines, and festiualls.
    Two-nam'd Ascanius134 Latium then obeyd,
And Alba:135 next, the scepter Syluius swaid.
His sonne Latinus, held that ancient name,
And crowne. Him Epitus, renound by Fame,
Succeeds. Then Capys. Capetus, his Son
Succeeded him. Next Tiberine begun
His raigne: who, drownd in Thuscan waters; gaue
Those streames his name:136 who Remulus got, and braue-
Sould Acrota. But Remulus was slaine
With thunder; who the Thunderer durst faine.
More moderate Acrota resign'd his throne
To Auentine, vpon the Mount whereon
He reign'd, intomb'd; which yet his name retaines.137
Ouer the Palatines138 next Procas raignes.
    Pomona flourisht in those times of ease:
Of all the Latian Hamadryades,139
None fruitfull Hort-yards held in more repute;
Or tooke more care to propagate their fruit.
Thereof so nam'd. Nor streames, nor shadie groues,
But trees producing generous burdens loues,
Her hand a hooke, and not a iauelin bare:
Now prunes luxurious twigs, and boughes that dare
Transcend their bounds: now slits the barke, the bud
Inserts;140 inforc't to nurse anothers brood.
Nor suffers them to suffer thirst, but brings
To moisture-sucking roots, soft-sliding Springs.
Such her delight, her care. No thoughts extend
To loues vnknowne desires: yet to defend
Her selfe from rapefull Ruralls, round about
Her Hort-yard wall's; t' auoid, and keepe them.out.
What left the skipping Satyres vn-assaid;  VERTVMNVS  
Rude Pan, whose homes Pine-bristled garlands shade;
Silenus, still more youthfull then his yeares;
Or he who theeues with hooks, and member feares,141
To taste her sweetness? but farre more then all
Vertumnus 142 loues; yet were his hopes as small.
How often, like a painefull Reaper, came,
Laden with weightie sheafes; and seem'd the same!
Oft wreathes of new-mow'd grasse his browes array;
As though then exercis'd in making hay.
A gode now in his hardned hands he beares,
And newly seemes to haue vnyok't his Steeres.
Oft vines and fruit-trees with a pruning hooke
Corrects, and dresses; of a ladder tooke
To gather fruit: now with his sword the God
A Souldier seemes; an Angler with his rod:
And various figures daily multiplies
To winne accesse, and please his longing eyes.
Now, with a staffe, an old-wife counterfeits;
On hoarie haire a painted miter 143 sets.
The Hort-yard entering, admires the faire
And pleasant fruits: So much, said he, more rare
Then all the Nymphs whom Albula144 enioy,
Haile spotless flowre of Maiden chastitie:
And kist the prais'd. Nor did the Virgin knowe,
(So innocent) that old-wiues kist not so.
Then, sitting on a banke, obserueth how
The pregnant boughs with Autums burthen bow.
Hard by, an Elme with purple clusters shin'd:
This praising, with the vine so closely ioyn'd;
    Yet, saith he, if this Elme should grow alone,
Except for shade, it would be priz'd by none:
And so this Vine, in amorous foldings wound,
If but dis -ioyn'd, would creepe vpon the ground.
Yet art not thou by such examples led:
But shunst the pleasures of a happy bed.
I would thou wer't: not Helen was so sought,
Nor she,145 for whom the lustfull Centaures fought,
As thou shouldst be; no nor the wife of bold
Or cautelous Vlysses.146 Yet, behold
Though thou auerse to all, and all escheue;
A thousand men, Gods, Demi-gods, persue
Thy constant Scorne; and euery deathlesse Powre
Which Alba's 147 high and shadie hills imbowre.
If thou art wise, and would'st well married be;
Or an old woman trust, who credit me,
Affects thee more then all the rest, refuse
These common wooers, and Vertumnus choose.
Accept me for his gage; since so well none
Can know him; by himselfe not better knowne.
He is no wanderer; this his delight:
Nor loues, like common louers, at first sight.
Thou art the first, so thou the last shall be:
His life he only dedicates to thee.
Besides, his youth perpetuall; excellent
His beauty; and all shapes can represent.
Wish what you will, what euer hath a name;
Such shall you see him. Your delights, the same:
The first-fruits of your Hort-yard are his due;
Which ioyfully he still accepts from you.
But neither what these pregnant trees produce
He now desires, nor hearbs of pleasant iuyce:
Nor ought, but only You. O pittie take!
And what I speake, suppose Vertumnus spake.
Reuengefull Gods, Idalia,148 still seuere
To such as slight her, and Rhamnusia 149 feare.
The more to fright you from so foule a crime,
Receiue (since much I know from aged Time)
A story, generally through Cyprus knowne;
To mollifie a heart more hard then stone.
    Iphis, of humble birth, by chance did view  ANAXARETE  
The high-borne Anaxarete, who drew
Her blood from Teucer.150 Seeing her, his eyes
Extracts a fire, wherein his bosome fries.
Long strugling, when no reason could reclaime
His furie, to her house the Suppliant came.
Now to her Nurse his wretched loue displaid;
And by her foster'd hopes implor'd her aid:
Now humbly sues to some of most repute
In her affection, to prefer his suit.
The pleading Wax151 his sad lines often beares
Oft mirtle garlands, sprinkled with his teares,
Hangs on the posts: on the hard threshold laid
His tender sides, his sighs the doores vp-braid.
But she more cruell then the seas, imbroild
With rising stormes; more hard then iron, boyld
In fire-red furnaces; or rooted rocks;
Disdaines the louer, and his passion mocks.
Who to her froward deeds addes bitter words
Of no lesse scorne; nor hope to loue affords.
Impatient of his torment, and her hate;
These words, his last, he vtters at her gate.
    O Anaxarete, thou hast o'r-come!
Nor shall my life be longer wearisome
To thy disdaine. Triumph, ô too vnkind!
Sing Paeans,152 and thy browes with laurell bind.
Thou hast o'r-come; loe, willingly I dye:
Proceed, and celebrate thy cruell ioy.
Yet is there something in me, ne'r the lesse,
That thou wilt praise; and my deserts confesse.
Thinke how my loue and life together left
My brest: at once of two cleare lights 153 bereft.
Nor rumour, but euen I will death present
In such a forme, as shall thy pride content,
But ô you Gods, if you our actions see
(This only I implore) remember me!
Let after ages celebrate my name:
And what you take from life, afford to fame.
    Then heaues his meager armes and watry eyes
To those knowne posts, oft crownd with wreathes,154 and tyes
A halter to the top. Such wreathes, he said,
Best please; hard-hearted, and inhumane Maid!
Then, turning toward her, he forward sprung:
When by the neck th' vnhappy louer hung.
Struck by his sprawling feet, wide open flie
The sounding doores; and that sad deed descrie.
The seruants shreeke; the Vainely raised bore
T' his mothers house; his father dead before.
His breathlesse corps she in her bosome plac't;
And in her armes his heatlesse limmes imbrac't.
Lamenting long, as wofull parents vse;
And hauing paid a wofull mothers dues;
The mournfull Funerall through the Citty led:
And to prepared fires conueyes the dead.
This sorrowfull Procession passing by
Her house, which bordred on the way, there cry
To th' eares of Anaxarete arriues:
Whom now sterne Nemesis155 to ruine driues.
Wee'l see, said she, these sad solemnities:
And forth-with to the lofty window highes.
Whence, seeing Iphis on his fatall bed;156
Her eyes grew stiffe; blood from her visage fled,
Vsurpt by palenesse. Striuing to retire,
Her feet stuck fast; nor could to her desire
Diuert her lookes: the hardnesse of her heart
It selfe dilated into euery part.
This Salamis157 yet keepes, to cleare your doubt,
In Venus temple; call'd, the Looker-out.
    Inform'd by this, ô louely Nymph, decline
Thy former pride, and to thy louer ioyne.
So may thy growing fruits suruiue the frost:
Nor ripening by the rapefull windes be lost.
    When this the God, who can all shapes endue158
Had said in vaine; againe himselfe he grew:
Th' abiliments of heatlesse Age depos'd.
And such himselfe vnto the Nymph disclos'd.
As when the Sunne, subduing with his rayes
The muffling clouds, his golden brow displaies.
Who force prepares: of force there was no need;
Struck with his beautie, mutually they bleed.
    Vniust Amulius, next th' Ausonian State
By strength vsurpt. The nephewes159 to the late
Deposed Numitor, him re-inthrone:
Who Rome, in Pales160 Feasts, immur'd with stone.
Now Tatius leads the Sabine Sires161 to warre.
Tarpeia's hands her fathers gates vnbarre:162
To death with armelets prest; her treasons meede.
The Sabine Sires like silent Wolues proceed
T' inuade their sleeping sonnes,163 and seeke to seaze
Vpon their gates; barr'd by Iliades.164
One Iuno165 opens: though no noise at all
The hinges made; yet by the barres lowd fall
To Venus166 knowne: who this had shut; but knewe
That Gods may not, what Gods haue done, vndoe.
Ausonian Nymphs the places bordering
To Ianus167 held, inchaced with a spring.
Their aid sh' implores. The Nymphs could not deny.  SCALDING STREAMES  
A sute so iust, but all their floods vntie.
As yet the Fane of Ianus open stood:
Nor was their way impeached by the flood.
Beneath the fruitfull spring they sulphur turne;
Whose hollow veines with black bitumen burne:
With these the vapours penetrate below;
And waters, late as cold as Alpin snow,
The fire it selfe in feruour dare prouoke:
Now both the posts with flagrant moisture smoke.
These new-rais'd streames, the Sabine Powre exclude,
Till Mars168 his Souldiers had their armes indu'd.
By Romulus then in Batalia led:
The Roman fields the slaughtred Sabines spred;
Their owne the Romans: Fathers,169 Sonnes in law,170
With wicked steele, blood from each other draw.
At length conclude a peace; nor would contend
Vnto the last. Two Kings one throne ascend
With equall rule. But noble Tatius slaine,171
Both Nations vnder Romulus remaine.
When Mars laid by his shining caske; and then
Thus spake vnto the Sire of Gods, and men.172
    Now, Father, is the time (since Rome is growne
To such a greatnesse, and depends on One)
To put in act thy neuer-fayling word;
And Romulus a heauenly throne afford.
You, in a synod of the Gods, profest
(Which still I carry in my thankfull brest)
That one of mine (this ô now ratifie!)
Should be aduanc't vnto the starrie skie.
    Ioue condescends: with clouds the day benights;
And with flame-winged thunder earth affrights.
Mars, at the signs of his assumption,
Leanes on his lance, and strongly vaults vpon
His bloody charriot; lashes his hot horses
With sounding whips, and their full speed inforces:
Who, scouring downe the ayrie region, staid
On faire mount Palatine,173 obscur'd with shade:
There Romulus assumeth from his throne,174
Rendering not King-like iustice175 to his owne.
Rapt through the aire, his mortall members wast,
Like melting176 bullets by a Slinger cast:
More heauenly faire, more fit for loftie shrines;
Our great and scarlet rob'd Quirinus177 shines.
    Then Iuno to the sad Hersilia  HERSILIA  
(Lost in her sorrow) by a crooked way
Sent Iris178 to deliuer this Command.
Starr of the Latian, of the Sabine land;
Thy sexes glory: worthie then, the vow
Of such a husband, of Quirinus now;
Suppress thy teares. If thy desire to see
Thy husband so exceed, then follow me
Vnto those woods, which on mount Quirin179 spring;
And shade the temple of the Roman King.180
    Iris obayes: and by her painted Bowe
To earth descending, told Hersilia so.
When she, scarce lifting vp her modest eyes:
O Goddesse (which of all the Dieties
I know not; sure a Goddesse) thou cleare light,
Conduct me, ô conduct me to the sight
Of my deare Lord: which when the Fates shall shew;
They heauen on me, with all their gifts, bestow.
Then, with Thaumantias,181 entering the high
Romulian Hills, a starre shot from the skie,
Whose golden beames inflam'd Hersilia's haire;
When both together mount th' enlightned Aire.
The builder of the Romane Citie tooke
Her in his armes, and forth-with chang'd her looke:
To whom the name of Ora182 he assignd.
This Goddess now is to Quirinus ioynd.

On to Book XV