Ovid Illustrated: The Renaissance Reception of Ovid in Image and Text George Sandys, Ovid's Metamorphosis (1632) An Online Edition Daniel Kinney, Director Special Thanks to Alison Caviness, Zack Long, Keicy Tolbert, and the Many Resident Experts of U.Va.'s E-Text Staff Non-java browsers: View the page-source and then cut-and-paste URL's for specific scans-links. |
METAMORPHOSIS ENGLISHED, MYTHOLOGIZ'D, And Represented in Figures. An Essay to the Translation of VIRGIL'S AENEIS. By G. S. IMPRINTED AT OXFORD. By IOHN LICHFIELD. An. Dom. MDCXXXII. Cum Priuilegio ad imprimendum hanc Ouidij TRANSLATIONEM. |
[1626 Version] |
THE FRONTISPEECE And Argument of this WORKE. FIRE, AIRE, EARTH, WATER, all the Opposites That stroue in Chaos, powrefull LOVE vnites; And from their Discord drew this Harmonie, Which smiles in Nature: who, with rauisht eye, Affects his owne made Beauties. But, our Will, Desire, and Powres Irascible, the skill Of PALLAS orders; who the Mind attires With all Heroick Vertues: This aspires To Fame and Glorie; by her noble Guide Eternized, and well-nigh Deifi'd. But who forsake that faire Intelligence, To follow Passion, and voluptuous Sense; That shun the Path and Toyles of HERCVLES; Such, charm'd by CIRCE's luxurie, and ease, Themselues deforme: 'twixt whom, so great an ods; That these are held for Beasts, and those for Gods. PHOEBVS APOLLO (sacred Poesy) Thus taught: for in these ancient Fables lie The mysteries of all Philosophie. Some Natures secrets shew; in some appeare Distempers staines; some teach vs how to beare Both Fortunes, bridling Ioy, Griefe, Hope, and Feare. These Pietie, Deuotion those excite; These prompt to Vertue, those from Vice affright; All fitly minging Profit with Delight. This Course our Poet steeres: and those that faile, By wandring stars, not by his Compasse, saile. . . . |
The World, form'd out of Chaos. Man is made. The Ages change. The Giants Heauen inuade. Earth turnes their blood to men. Ioue's flames confound Lycaon, now a Wolfe. The World is drown'd. Man-kind, cast stones restore. All quickning Earth Renewes the rest, and giues new Monsters birth. Apollo, Python kills; heart-wounded, loues Lust-flying Daphne; Shee a Lawrell proues. Ioue, Iö made a Cow, to maske foule deeds. Hermes, a Heardsman. Syrinx, chang'd to Reeds. Dead Argu's eyes adorne the Peacocks frame. The Cow, to Iö, Ioue transformes againe. |
Rash Phaeton fires the World. His sisters mourne His Tragedie; who into Poplars turne; Their teares to Amber; Cygnus, to a Swan. Ioue, Phoebe-like, Calisto found a Man: Her, Iuno made a Beare: Shee, and her son, Aduanced starres, that still the Ocean shun. Coronis, now a Crow, flyes Neptunes fright. Nictimine is made the Bird of Night. The too-officious Rauen, late so faire, Is plum'd with blacke. Ocyroë growes a Mare. Phoebus, a Heardsman: Mercury, twice such; Who turnes betraying Battus into Tuch. Enuious Aglauros, to a Statue, full Of her minde's spots. Loue Ioue conuerts t'a Bull. |
Arm'd troops from Dragons late-sowne teeth arise. By his owne Hounds the Hart Actaeon dies. Iuno a Beldame. Semele doth frie In wisht imbraces. Bacchus from Ioues thigh Takes second birth. The wise Tiresias twice Doth change his sex. Scorn'd Echo pines t' a voice: Selfe-lou'd Narcissus to a Daffadill. Bacchus, a Boy. The Tyrrhen's ship stands still, With Iuy mor'd. Strange shapes the Saylers fright: Who Dolphines turne, and still in ships delight. |
Derceta, a Fish. Semiramis a Doue. Transforming Nais equall Fate doth proue. White berryes Louers blood with blacke defiles. Apollo, like Eurynome, beguiles Leucothoe, buried quick for that offence: Who, Nectar sprinkled, sprouts to Frankincense. Grieu'd Clytie, turn'd t' a Flowr, turns with the Sun. Daphnis, to Stone. Sex changeth Scytheon. Celmus, a Load-stone. Curets, got by showres. Crocus, and Smilax turn'd to little flowres. In one Hermaphrodite, two bodies ioyne. Mineides, Bats. Sad Ino made diuine, With Melicert. Who Iunos fact vpbray'd, Or statues, or Cadmean Fowles are made. Hermione and Cadmus, worne with woe, Proue hurtlesse Dragons. Drops to Serpents growe. Atlas, a Mountayne. Gorgon toucht Sea-weeds To Corall change. From Gorgons blood, proceeds Swift Pegasus: Crysaor also takes From thence his birth. Faire haires conuert to Snakes. |
The Gorgon seene, Cepheni Statues growe: So Phineus, Praetus, Polydect, the foe To Perseus prayse. The fountaine Hippocrene By Horse-hoofe rays'd. The Muses into Nine Rape flying Birds: Pierides, to Pyes. The God's, by Typhon chas't, themselues disguise, Sad Cyane into a Fountaine flowes. Th' ill-nurtur'd Boy a spotted Stellion growes. Lou'd Arethusa thawes into a Spring. Ascalaphus an Owle. Light feathers wing The sweet-tongu'd Syrens, who on Waters mourne. Sterne Lyncus Ceres to a Lynx doth turne. |
Pallas an old-wife. Haughtie thoughts o're-throw Haemus and Rhodope; who Mountaines grow. The Pigmy, a Crane. Antigone becomes A Storke. A statue Cyneras intombs: His impious daughters, stones. In various shapes The Gods commit adulteries and rapes. Arachne, a Spider. Niobe yet drownes Her marble cheeks in teares. Unciuill Clownes Are curst to Frogs. From teares cleere Marsyas flowes. His iuory shoulder new-made Pelops showes. Progne, a Swallow; sign'd with murders staines. Sad Philomel to secret night complaines. Rage to a Lapwing turnes th' Odrysian king. Calais and Zetes natiue feathers wing. |
Men, Dragons teeth produce. Wing'd Snakes their yeares By odors cast. A seire branch Oliues beares. Drops sprout to Flowres. Old Aeson young became. So Libers Nurses. An old Sheepe a Lambe. Cerambus flies. A Snake, a snake-like Stone. An Oxe, a Stag. Sad Mera barkes vnknowne. Hornes front the Coan dames. The Telchines All change. A Doue-turn'd Maid. The hard to please, Becomes a Swan. His mother Hyrie weepes Into a Lake. High-mounting Combe keepes Her son-sought Life. A King and Queene estrang'd To flightfull Foule. Cephisus Nephew chang'd Into a Seale. Eumelus daughter flies, Through tracelesse regions. Men from Mushrumps rise: Phinius and Periphas light wings assume. So Polyphemons neece. From Cerberus spume Springs Aconite. Iust Earth a graue denies To Scyrons bones; which now in rocks arise. Arne, a C[h]ough. Stout Myrmidons are borne Of toyling Ants. The late reiected Morne Masks Cephalus. The Dog, that did pursue, And Beast pursu'de; two marble Statues grew. |
Harmonious walls. Lewd Scylla now despaires; With Nisus, chang'd: the Lark the Hobby dares. Ariadnes Crowne a Constellation made. Th' inuentiue youth a Partridge; still afraid Of mounting. Meleagers Sisters mourne His Tragedie: to Fowle, so named, turne. Fiue water Nymphs the fiue Echinades Demonstrate. Perimele, neere to these, Becomes an Iland. Ioue and Hermes take The formes of men. A Citie turnd t' a Lake: A Cottage to a Temple. That good pare, Old Baucis and Philemon, changed are, At once to sacred Trees. In various shapes Blew Proteus sports. Oft. selfe-chang'd Metra scapes Scornd seruitude. The Streame of Calydon Forsakes his owne, and other shapes puts on. |
A Serpent Achelous: now a Bull: His seuered Horne with plenty euer full. Lichas a Rock. Alcides sunke in flame, Ascends a God. The labour-helping Dame A Weesel. Lotis, flying lust, becomes A tree: the like sad Dryope intombs. Old Iolaus waxeth young agen. Callirrho'es Infants sodenly grow Men. Byblis a weeping Fountaine. Iphis, now A Boy, to Isis paies his maiden Vow. |
Feare turnes a man to Flint. Lethaea's blame Olenus beares: now stones; their shapes the same. Vext Cybele to Pine her Atys turnes. Sweete Cyparissus in a Cypresse mournes. Enamoured Ioue an Eagles wings displayes; And louely Ganymed to Heauen conuayes. Slaine Hyacinthus sighes in his new Flowre. The cruell Sacrificers by the powre Of Venus turnd to Bulls. The Prostitute To Stones. Pygmalion weds the liuing fruite Of his rare Art. Erigone doth shine In heauen; conuerted to the Virgin Signe. Myrrha, a weeping Tree. Hippomenes And Atalanta, Lyons. Cyprides (Inform'd by Mentha's change) her Paramoure Turnes to a faire, but quickly fading flowre. |
A Serpent chang'd to Stone. Rough barks infold The cruell Bacchanals. To staruing Gold All turnes at Midas touch: He's bodie laues In cleare Pactolus, whose inriched waues Wash off his gold and gilt: an Asses eares His folly shame: the whispred Secret beares Like sounding-Reeds. Apollo, and the Guide Of sacred Seas, in humane shapes reside. Forc't Thetis varies formes. Daedalion T' a Falcon turn'd. A Wolfe congeal'd to Stone. Morpheus to mortals, Phobetor to Brutes, And Phantasus to shapes inanimate sutes. Transform'd Halcyone and Ceyx flye. So Aesacus, who vainely striues to dye. |
A Snake; a snake-like Stone. Cycnus, a Swan: Caenis the maid, now Caeneus and a man, Becomes a Fowle. Neleius varies shapes At last an Eagle; nor Alcides scapes. |
Those purple flowres which Aiax name display, His blood produce. Inraged Hecuba Becomes a Bitch. From Memnons cinders rise Selfe slaughtring Fowle: a yeerely sacrifice. What euer Anius daughters handle, proues Corne, wine, or oyle: themselues transform'd to Doues. From honour'd virgins ashes Sonnes ascend. Th' Ambracian Iudge a Stone. Light wings defend Molossus royall issue. Scylla groues A horrid Monster. Murderd Acis flowes With speedy streames. The kinde Nereides For Glaucus sue: inthron'd in sacred Seas. |
Inchanted Scylla, hemb'd with horrid shapes, Becomes a Rock; Cercopeans turn'd to Apes. Sibylla weares t' a Voice. Vlysses men Transformed to Swine, are re-transformd agen. Picus a Bird: his Followers Beasts. Despaire Resolues sad-singing Canens into Aire. The Mates of Diomed vnreconcil'd Idalia turnes to Fowle. An Oliue wild Rude Apulus deciphers. Turnus burnes Aeneas ships: these Berecynthia turnes To Sea-nymphs; who Alcinöus ship with ioy Behold a Rock. The Troian flames destroy Besieged Ardea; from whose ashes springs A meager Herne, that beares them on her wings. Aeneas, Deifi'd. Vertumnus tries All shapes. Rhamnusia, for her cruelties, Congeales proud Anaxarete to Stone. Cold Fountaines boyle with heat. T' a heauenly throne Mars Romulus assumes. Hersilia Like grace receaues: who ioyne in equall sway. |
Black Stones conuert to White. Pythagoras In Ilium's lingring warre Euphorbus was. Of transmigrations, of the change of things, And strange effects, the learned Samian sings. Recur'd Hippolytus is deifide; Whom safer Age, and name of Virbius hide. Aegeria thawes into a Spring. From Earth Prophetick Tages takes his wondrous birth. A Speare a Tree. Graue Cippus vertues shun The Crowne, his Hornes present. Apollo's Son Assumes a Serpents shape. The Soule of Warre, Great Caesar, slaine, becomes a Blazing Starre. |